NSCRP promotes the importance of local railways in improving mobility and sustainable travel, community cohesion and wellbeing, and social and economic development.

N Staffs Community Rail Partnership Stakeholder meeting

N Staffs Community Rail Partnership Stakeholder meeting

Wednesday, 3rd May 2023 at 10:30

Wednesday, 3rd May 2023, 10:30 – 12:30 in Derby
or online on Microsoft Teams

Would you like to find out more about your local community rail partnership and how it works with partners to improve stations and rail services?

There is a special Open slot at the beginning of the meeting for stakeholders’ questions in case you don’t want to stay for the whole meeting.

Please let us know if you are interested and we will send further details.

All welcome!

A group of station volunteers standing on the platform at Peartree station. Contact NSCRP.

Want to be a part of events like this?

If you have an idea for a railway-themed event of any sort do get in touch. We are always happy to consider joint projects and can access funding to support them.