NSCRP promotes the importance of local railways in improving mobility and sustainable travel, community cohesion and wellbeing, and social and economic development.

Claire Sandys

Community Rail Officer

Claire is the Community Rail Officer responsible for Alsager, Kidsgrove, Longport, Longton, Blythe Bridge, Uttoxeter, Tutbury and Hatton, Peartree and Derby stations.

Prior to taking on this role Claire has worked in the fields of horticulture research, education, museums and public health. She enjoyed 7 years as a primary school teacher, then museum educator at the Stoke-on-Trent Museums, working with schools and community groups. Since then Claire has worked as a freelance Heritage Consultant and Project Coordinator for the Living Streets Stoke-on-Trent Wayfinding Project.

Headshot photo of Claire Sandys, Community Rail Officer at NSCRP