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Penkridge – Historic Village & Canal

1.7 Miles (2.72km)
Approximately 1 hours
Pavements, canal towpath and cemetery paths. Steep ramp at point 5 and mud throughout. Otherwise suitable for wheelchair users.

Walk Directions

Leave the station, following Station Road.
At the main church gates turn right down St Michael's Square. Cross the main road (Clay Street / A449) by the Littleton Arms, then turn left. Very soon turn right at the circular garden, then right again into Market Street.
At the end of Market Street, turn left into New Road, then first right, down Francis Green Lane
Five minutes later, at the canal bridge turn left onto the towpath of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal and walk past the moorings.
Walk under Penkridge Bridge, then up the ramp to leave the canal. Turn right (downhill) towards the Haling Dene Centre.
At the library turn right into Bell Brook. Pass between The Old Cottage and Penkridge Heritage Centre on Market Place. Then turn right again into Market Street
At the end of Market Street continue into Crown Bridge, then turn right onto the main road (Stone Cross).
Cross the road at the pedestrian crossing. Turn left, then right into Pinfold Lane, passing under the railway line.
Take a path on your left opposite the doctors' surgery into the cemetery. Go through the tunnel under the railway line, then take a path to your right through the churchyard to join Station Road.
Turn right to the station.

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