NSCRP promotes the importance of local railways in improving mobility and sustainable travel, community cohesion and wellbeing, and social and economic development.

Tutbury & Hatton – Historic Castle & Village

2 Miles (3.2km)
Approximately 2 hours
Tutbury Castle has much history, the most known being that it served as the prison for Mary, Queen of Scots 3 times.
Mainly pavements. Suitable for wheelchair users. Route beyond the castle gates can be bumpy and steep in places.

Walk Directions

Exit Tutbury and Hatton station, turning right from Platform 2 or left from Platform 1. Cross the River Dove. At the roundabout continue straight on along Monk Street.
Just before Castle Court turn right into Church Street. About 1 minute after the left hand bend you will see some steps on your right leading to a path.
To reach the castle gates:
a) Turn right up the steps and join a path to St Mary's Church. Turn left at the church to reach the road and the castle gates on your right.
b) Continue along Church Street with St Mary's Church above you to your right. Turn right onto Castle Street, then soon right again to follow the sign for Tutbury Castle.
Walk through the gates along the track, reaching the castle after about 5 minutes.
After your visit retrace your steps to the castle gates, then walk straight on down Castle Street and Duke Street.
At the cross roads turn left into High Street.
Turn right into Bridge Street and retrace your route back to the station.

Do you know of any great destinations nearby?

Please let us know of any other visitor attractions that you think we should add to our website. They should be within easy walking or cycling distance of one of our stations.